
Tesla intentionally reveals insights into its robotaxi in the video “Vote for Elon Musk”

Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) intentionally shared glimpses of its robotaxi vehicle in a new video.

The automaker posted this video on

According to Elon Musk, the Tesla team put together this video on their own initiative and he didn't ask for it. “The Tesla team put this together on their own initiative (I did not “Ask about it.) Thanks!” he wrote in an X-post on Monday.

Our focus today, however, is on two robotaxi images that Tesla included at the beginning of this video. They almost flash in less than a second – barely visible to the normal observer.

However, since the Tesla community has great interest in the company's developments, these Tesla robotaxi images were immediately captured by enthusiasts.

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Tesla Robotaxi (Cybercab) interior view

Tesla intentionally included a picture of the interior of the Robotaxi and one of the exterior of the upcoming vehicle. Earlier this year, Elon Musk announced that the Tesla Robotaxi would be unveiled on August 8, 2024. However, months before the event, Tesla leaked these images to generate further interest in the vehicle and keep its community excited.

The first image shows the interior of the robotaxi. The reason for this strong assumption is that no interior of any existing Tesla vehicle matches this configuration. Two flat seats in the front row with no center console with just a touchscreen display in the middle. More interestingly, there is no steering wheel visible in this image.

A member of the Tesla design team gives the company's chief designer, Franz von Holzhausen, a briefing on the interior of the Tesla Robotaxi. Image Credit: Courtesy of Tesla, Inc. (TSLA).
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The more interesting thing about this ultra-minimalist interior is the absence of a steering wheel. What is the use of a robotaxi if it doesn't drive completely independently? So it's clear that on August 8th the automaker will unveil a vehicle without steering that drives entirely on autopilot (Full Self-Driving).

Tesla Robotaxi (Cybercab) is based on the automaker's smaller and cheaper next-generation electric car platform. This next-generation Tesla car is expected to be priced in the sub-$25,000 range. From the leaked images, it appears that it is a two-seat vehicle intended for city driving or shorter trips.

However, this image could be from a first rendering of an internal presentation of the Tesla Cybercab. We could see significant changes at the unveiling and even afterward when production begins next year (according to Elon Musk during the Q1 2024 earnings call).

Since the steering wheel is missing, Tesla will most likely offer the robotaxi service in geofenced areas in the first phase of the rollout. Once the fully autonomous driving issue is resolved, Tesla will expand cybercab/robotaxi service in locations where regulators approve it.

Robtaxi exterior view

A teaser shot of the Tesla Cybercab (robotaxi) exterior was also included in the intro of Elon Musk's tuning video (above). This photo most likely shows the vehicle's rear bumper and diffuser.

Elon Musk shared a concept image of the Tesla Robotaxi, also known as Cybercab, in his biography written by Walter Isaacson last year. I found this image on page no. 501 of the book while reading the book. If we look at the teaser photo and the concept image separately, we can easily get the idea that this is part of the Tesla Robotaxi (see below).

A conceptual rendering of the smaller two-seat autonomous Tesla Robotaxi vehicle based on the leaked Tesla Design Center design from 2023.
A conceptual rendering of the smaller two-seat autonomous Tesla Robotaxi vehicle based on the leaked design from the Tesla Design Center in 2023. Image credit: Elon Musk biography (page 501) by Walter Isaacson, courtesy of Tesla, Inc. (TSLA).
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The leaked photo of the Tesla Cybercab (Robotaxi) rear bumper and (most likely) diffuser.
The leaked photo of the rear bumper and (most likely) diffuser of the Tesla Cybercab (Robotaxi). Image credit: Courtesy of Tesla, Inc. (TSLA).

To improve the leaked Cybercab image, I removed shadows and darkness from the image. Increasing the brightness allowed the visible exterior of the vehicle to be revealed.

From what I understand from this image, the Tesla Cybercab robotaxi will be more similar to the Cybertruck. It may not be as boxy or pointy as the Cybertruck, but it seems to have borrowed some design patterns from the unconventional Tesla EV pickup truck.

Tesla needs to keep the design simple and minimalist to reduce costs. The other benefit of simplicity will result in a much smoother production ramp-up of the vehicle. Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes that the smaller next-generation Tesla vehicle, which costs ≤$25,000, and the robotaxi will be the best-selling cars of the future.

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