
Swimmer who 'body-slammed' killer whale is branded 'stupid and reckless' after video shows…

May 22, 2024, 08:46

The killer whale incident.

Image: Instagram

A man who tried to “body slam” killer whales was criticized as “stupid” and “reckless” and fined almost £300.

In footage posted online, the unnamed man can be seen jumping from a boat into the sea with an orca and its calf.

The video shows him reaching out as he lands in the water, slams into the water and approaches the orcas, which are known to attack humans.

The man can be heard saying, “I touched it,” as his friends laugh on the boat.

The incident happened in New Zealand and environmental authorities said the man had a “shocking and stupid attitude”.

He was fined $600 (just under £288) for the stunt, the country's Department of Conservation said.

They said in a statement: “A man who jumped from a boat into the water near two orcas was fined $600 in violation. The incident demonstrated a shocking and stupid attitude towards protected marine mammals.”

“The video, shared on Instagram in February, shows the man jumping from a boat into the sea off the coast of Devonport – in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to touch or “body-slap” the orca.

“The man showed reckless disregard for his own safety – and that of the adult male orca with a calf that was swimming near the vessel.

Antarctic orcas (Type A) (Orcinus orca) patrol the waters off Macquarie Island, Australian Subantarctic, hunting for penguins

Antarctic orcas (Type A) (Orcinus orca) patrol the waters off Macquarie Island in the Australian sub-Antarctic and hunt for penguins.

Image: Alamy

“We were subsequently made aware of this video by a member of the public. We would like to thank those who continue to alert us to possible breaches of New Zealand wildlife laws.”

“Anyone who witnesses an incident which they believe may be in breach of conservation laws can call 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).”

This comes after a series of summer attacks by orcas in the waters off the west coast of Spain and Portugal in recent years. There were 202 attacks in 2022 and 197 in 2021.

Orcas are protected in New Zealand

Orcas are protected in New Zealand.

Image: Getty

The attacks extend over a wide arc from the waters near the Strait of Gibraltar to northwestern Galicia in Spain.

Attacks on boats appear to stop once the vessel becomes immobile, and there are no reports of swimmers being targeted.

Last year, orcas even disrupted a sailing race when a boat traveling from the Netherlands to Italy had a 15-minute encounter with the animals, prompting the crew to lower the sails of their boat and clatter away the animals.